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Golden Credit Cards Low Cost

So, Fort Worth-based American Airlines doesn't want your cash money any more -- plastic, please, and only plastic. At least, that's the new policy on flights departing from San Francisco, and it's only for the next three weeks, according to, which says the carrier will only take credit card for all purchases, from snacks and booze to headsets and happy endings ... pardon, happy landings, m'bad. And, you read that right: Only credit cards will be accepted.

But if the test works out on the 700-plus flights leaving their hearts in San Francisco between September 10 and September 30, the airline will expand the service. And, how nice, "receipts will be provided to passengers upon request." The airline's been accepting credit cards for mid-air purchases since last year and insists customers like the service, if only so they can keep cash in their pockets between destinations and ATMs. Still, seems like an incredible nuisance, running a few dozen-plus credit cards from 30,000 feet just so someone can watch a movie or suck down a couple of Jack on the rocks. And how about those ? Yeah ... Perhaps our good Friend of Unfair Park, Mr. Tim Wagner, will post a more detailed explanation of why this is a good idea.

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