Transferring a high interest credit card balance to one with a better interest rate and/or better overall terms and features is usually a good way to reduce the amount of money you pay back on your existing debt. Depending on the “better” credit card you select, you may also be able to benefit from a rewards program or gain other features you didn't already have – including travel accident insurance coverage or an extended warranty program for new purchases made with the card. There are a few instances when a balance transfer is not the great deal it appears at first glance though, so it's important to do your research before moving your accounts around.
Step One: Find a better credit card with a balance transfer offer.
There is no point moving money from one credit card to another unless you are going to benefit from it in some way. Sometimes people are mislead by the introductory rates and promotional offers – so it is important that you dig a little beneath the surface to see what sort of rates you'll be charged once the promotional period ends.
When looking at possible cards to replace your existing credit card, make sure you find out the following information in order to make an accurate comparison between your existing card and the new card:
What is the introductory rate and when does it end? Does the introductory rate apply to new purchases only? Does it apply to balance transfers? What is the cards APR (annual percentage rate) once the introductory offer is over? Does the card have an annual fee? How much is it?
This is an important consideration when looking at a card to move your existing balances to - What does the card charge for a balance transfer fee? Many cards charge 3-4% fees for transferring balances. If you've got a $4,000 balance on your card that you're moving to a new card, you're looking at a fee between $120 and $160 just to move the balance. If you're going to pay a balance transfer fee, you're going to need to save a whole lot of money in interest over the life of the balance on the new card in order to make that fee worth it.
Step Two: What are your chances of getting approved for the new card?
Just because a credit card offers a 0% or 2% interest rate on balance transfers does not mean that you will be approved for that offer. Cards always put their best foot forward; but sometimes people are approved for the cards under different terms, based on their credit scores and payment histories. Take a close look, because often the credit card you apply for will tell you that if you don't qualify for the terms of the offer they will issue you a credit card with higher interest rates or different overall terms. If this happens, will the higher rates be beneficial to you, or will you just end up with a second credit card that charges a fortune in fees and interest and the temptation to spend more because you have a new credit line available?
Step Three: Apply
If you find a card with a great offer that you've compared closely to your existing card and feel that you will save money through the new, lower interest rate and/or through the rewards program the new card offers – AND you've considered your realistic chance of being approved for that card and all seems ready to go; it's time to apply.
When applying for the new card, make sure to fill out the balance transfer portion at the time of application. The reason for this is sometimes the balance transfer offers are only good for immediate balance transfers that occur at the time of account opening. Balance transfers that are initiated later may be considered a cash advance and do not enjoy the same promotional terms your initial transfers do.
Step Four: Stop Using Old Card
If you've transferred the balance to a new and improved credit card, stop using your old credit card. Cut it up or put it away so you aren't tempted to charge on it. If you transfer the balance and then continue to use your old card, you've completely defeated the purpose of moving the money and now have TWO credit cards to pay off!
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Many people across the country have found they need a second income to survive. While many will take a weekend or evening job in addition to a full-time gig in order to get by, many other entrepreneurial types will be trying their hand at starting a side business, based on a hobby or passion they have for their particular talent. Whether it be a business involving crafts, accounting, cooking, or any of the many other ideas people are developing, it is very important to remember that there is always a potential for these little side business to grow quickly into a profitable and legitimate business or career.
In fact, many freelancers and small business owners will tell you that the potential earnings from a small side business will far out weigh what can be earned at a part time job. When you combine the earnings from a side business run out of your home with the savings you have not having to drive to a part time job or prepare lunches to take to the second job (or even more savings if you normally buy lunches when you're working) the amount earned from a side business is far greater.
Side Business is a Full Time Effort
With any self-starting business or business in general, it is essential that the operation runs as smoothly as possible. Because one of the goals of most entrepreneurs is to make a profit, money management is a huge responsibility, no matter how small the business may be. Maintaining accurate financial records are very important for tax reasons, growth preparations, and for the bottom line of profit. Businesses who spend more than they earn likely won’t get very far.
Keeping the Financials Straight
One way for small side businesses to acquire an accurate financial picture of how the business is functioning from the start is by using a credit card designed especially for small businesses. By tracking spending from the start using the credit card and the monthly reporting statements, businesses looking to grow will have an accurate understanding of what is necessary for expansion, should the business remain successful. This will be especially important in the event additional financing is necessary. Lenders like banks and private investors will want a solid track record of profits and operating expenses for the business before they would consider loaning money or investing in a new business.
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Credit card security relies on the physical security of the plastic card as well as the privacy of the credit card number. Therefore, whenever a person other than the card owner has access to the card or its number, security is potentially compromised. Merchants often accept credit card numbers without additional verification for mail order purchases. They however record the delivery address as a security measure to minimise fradulent purchases. Some merchants will accept a credit card number for in-store purchases, whereupon access to the number allows easy fraud, but many require the card itself to be present, and require a signature. Thus, a stolen card can be cancelled, and if this is done quickly, no fraud can take place in this way. For internet purchases, there is sometimes the same level of security as for mail order (number only) hence requiring only that the fraudster take care about collecting the goods, but often there are additional measures. The main one is to require a security PIN with the card, which requires that the thief have access to the card, as well as the PIN.
An additional feature to secure the credit card transaction and prohibit the use of a lost credit card is the MobiClear solution. Each transaction is authenticated through a call to the user mobile phone. The transaction is released once the transaction has been confirmed by the cardholder pushing his/her pincode during the call.
The PCI DSS is the security standard issued by The PCI SSC (Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council). This data security standard is used by acquiring banks to impose cardholder data security measures upon their merchants.
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A prepaid credit card is not a credit card,as no credit is offered by the card issuer: the card-holder spends money which has been "stored" via a prior deposit by the card-holder or someone else, such as a parent or employer. However, it carries a credit-card brand (Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover) and can be used in similar ways just as though it were a regular credit card.
After purchasing the card, the cardholder loads it with any amount of money, up to the predetermined card limit and then uses the card to make purchases the same way as a typical credit card. Prepaid cards can be issued to minors (above 13) since there is no credit line involved. The main advantage over secured credit cards (see above section) is that you are not required to come up with $500 or more to open an account. With prepaid credit cards you are not charged any interest but you are often charged a purchasing fee plus monthly fees after an arbitrary time period. Many other fees also usually apply to a prepaid card.
Prepaid credit cards are sometimes marketed to teenagers for shopping online without having their parents complete the transaction.
Because of the many fees that apply to obtaining and using credit-card-branded prepaid cards, the describes them as "an expensive way to spend your own money".The agency publishes a booklet, "Pre-paid cards",which explains the advantages and disadvantages of this type of prepaid card.
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Today Tonight recently compared credit cards from the majority of Australia’s credit card providers and the various terms and conditions they offer.When looking for a low interest credit card I personally reccomend you take a look at the ever changing Credit. Read the full Story...
Golden Credit Cards Low Cost
So, Fort Worth-based American Airlines doesn't want your cash money any more -- plastic, please, and only plastic. At least, that's the new policy on flights departing from San Francisco, and it's only for the next three weeks, according to, which says the carrier will only take credit card for all purchases, from snacks and booze to headsets and happy endings ... pardon, happy landings, m'bad. And, you read that right: Only credit cards will be accepted.
But if the test works out on the 700-plus flights leaving their hearts in San Francisco between September 10 and September 30, the airline will expand the service. And, how nice, "receipts will be provided to passengers upon request." The airline's been accepting credit cards for mid-air purchases since last year and insists customers like the service, if only so they can keep cash in their pockets between destinations and ATMs. Still, seems like an incredible nuisance, running a few dozen-plus credit cards from 30,000 feet just so someone can watch a movie or suck down a couple of Jack on the rocks. And how about those ? Yeah ... Perhaps our good Friend of Unfair Park, Mr. Tim Wagner, will post a more detailed explanation of why this is a good idea. Read the full Story...
Business credit cards give your business the opportunity to earn perks for you and your employees. Charging expenses on a business credit card can return up to 1.5% cash back on all purchases and many cards have no cap on earnings rewards. Most cards let you earn reward points which can be redeemed for travel - helping bring down the cost of flying business class. Other benefits include 0% introductory APR's, expense management reporting and higher credit lines.
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How To Find The Best Credit Card For You
At we provide you with the tools and information to make choosing and applying for a credit card as simple and as easy as possible. With our wide selection of credit card offers and the most competitive rates and rewards, you are sure to find the right card for you. We constantly update our site to provide the best credit card deals online.
You can start by browsing our card categories on the left or the banks and card issuers below. You can also use our credit card camparison and search tools section to compare credit cards or to find the card with the right features and benefits for you. The credit card comparison guide is an easy-to-use tool which enables you to compare rates, type of rewards, and annual fees. Once you make your choice, the credit card application is only a click away and many cards will give you a decision in less than 60 seconds.
To further educate and inform our visitors about choosing the right credit card offer and how to spot the best credit card deal, we provide an extensive help topics section. Here you can learn more on how to take advantage of the various card benefits, as well as better understand their features and the importance of your credit score.
If you are searching for a business credit card, you can find the best credit card deals for your business in every major category of our site. At the bottom of each category, we list the business credit cards pertinent to that category, and as is with all the cards featured on our site, more detailed information and the credit card application are only a click away.
Another section of our site is devoted to students who may be applying for a credit card for the first time. The college student credit cards offer value and benefits that can lead to greater financial flexibility and freedom, and help you build credit.
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